How to Use thumb drive in a Sentence
thumb drive
The thumb drive with the transcripts was pulled from the jury room.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 6 Feb. 2022
Oh, that’s the Silicon Valley movie, the search for the thumb drive.
—Derek Lawrence,, 9 Dec. 2019
Delete them all from your home computer, and give the thumb drive to him.
—Amy Dickinson, Detroit Free Press, 29 Aug. 2019
Dunsford snatched the thumb drive and slept with it under his pillow.
—David Peisner, Rolling Stone, 23 Dec. 2022
But a week after she was fired, Fleishauer found a black thumb drive in her purse.
—USA Today, 16 Oct. 2020
The episode — and series — ends with a cliffhanger of sorts as Richard is unable to find the thumb drive.
—Derek Lawrence,, 9 Dec. 2019
Send in an email to [email protected] by Oct. 24, or submit with your cookies on a thumb drive.
—Nancy Stohs, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 4 Sep. 2019
Those are hard to control — much of the software can fit, compressed, on a thumb drive.
—Michael D. Shear and,, 21 July 2023
Those are hard to control -- much of the software can fit, compressed, on a thumb drive.
—Compiled By Democrat-Gazette Staff From Wire Reports, Arkansas Online, 22 July 2023
Send in an email to [email protected] by Oct. 26, or submit with your cookies on a CD or thumb drive.
—Nancy Stohs, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 19 Sep. 2017
Items will be returned along with a thumb drive of the digital copies.
—Jill Sell,, 4 Nov. 2017
The thumb drives would beacon back to her Black Hills colleagues and give them access to the prison's systems.
—Lily Hay Newman, Wired, 26 Feb. 2020
For under a hundred bucks, the devices, about the size of a thumb drive, can be purchased online.
—Mará Rose Williams, kansascity, 12 Oct. 2017
The origin story of the thumb drive — as told by the former inmate who came forward to The Times — is just as shocking as the videos on it.
—Keri Blakinger, Los Angeles Times, 24 June 2023
Now, all the data collected since 1960 will fit on a single thumb drive.
—Jo Craven McGinty, WSJ, 19 Oct. 2018
The thumb drive containing the intel on Hannah's wife-prep school is being worked on.
—Matt Cabral,, 19 Oct. 2022
But the boxes were empty and the signatures were delivered in a thumb drive.
—Bob Fernandez,, 27 June 2018
None other than Stefan Thomas, the owner of that same $250 million in bitcoin locked on a thumb drive.
—WIRED, 18 Nov. 2023
Detectives also found several SD cards and thumb drives in the bedroom that held videos of Keller and the 14-year-old.
—Sara Nealeigh, miamiherald, 16 May 2018
Schiff can go to sleep, wake up in the morning and have a thumb drive full of material ripe for processing.
—John Metcalfe, The Mercury News, 25 Jan. 2024
The San Francisco police have the contents of his Google account preserved on a thumb drive.
—New York Times, 21 Aug. 2022
The malware could be delivered via a thumb drive or in an email attachment.
—Aaron Pressman, Fortune, 28 Aug. 2020
Designed to look like USB thumb drives, they can be charged on laptop computers.
—Mari A. Schaefer,, 24 Apr. 2018
In the car’s glove compartment, Charlie finds a thumb drive and a cell phone that have information (in Greek) about Steve’s crimes.
—Emily Longeretta, Variety, 15 Nov. 2022
Digital photo packages are $69 and come on a USB thumb drive.
—Michael Salerno, USA TODAY, 16 July 2023
Many journalists like me have had to send out work on thumb drives with passengers flying out of the area by airplane.
—Fahad Shah / Srinagar, Time, 7 Aug. 2019
That inbox was copied onto a thumb drive, which has disappeared.
—Justin Jouvenal, Washington Post, 22 Nov. 2019
Help your loved one stream their favorite Hulu shows with ease this holiday season and gift them the Roku Streaming Stick+, which is about the size of a thumb drive.
—Nicole Saunders, NBC News, 10 Nov. 2020
An acquaintance in Brooklyn, who had the whole season on a thumb drive, brought a group together to watch one or two episodes on New Year’s Eve.
—Taylor Antrim, Vogue, 25 Jan. 2018
Your best bet is scanning your paperwork and saving it to the cloud, as well as downloading it onto a thumb drive.
—Penny Musco, Good Housekeeping, 15 Aug. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'thumb drive.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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